FHIR Implementation Guide for NJSAMS

0.1.0 - draft New Jersey

NJSAMS - Local Development build (v0.1.0). See the Directory of published versions

Artifacts Summary

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

Behavior: Capability Statements

The following artifacts define the specific capabilities that different types of systems are expected to have in order to comply with this implementation guide. Systems conforming to this implementation guide are expected to declare conformance to one or more of the following capability statements.


Structures: Questionnaires

These define forms used by systems conforming to this implementation guide to capture or expose data to end users


Structures: Resource Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide


NJSAMS Patient (Considered legacy, due to some data not having been available at time of creation)


NJSAMS Coverage


NJSAMS Encounter


NJSAMS Location


NJSAMS Organization


NJSAMS Patient


NJSAMS Funding Sources

Structures: Extension Definitions

These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide


Admission county if IDRC referral


Job title for contact at organization


Contact details for member of NJSAMS site


The municipality where the patient resides


User specified admission (referral) source


User specified language


Is the patient a US citizen

Terminology: Value Sets

These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide

NJSAMS Client Chronic Conditions
NJSAMS Client Type
NJSAMS Continue Care Type
NJSAMS Counties

The county where the patient resides, or is referred from

NJSAMS Delayed Treatment
NJSAMS Dependent/Supervised Living Arrangement
NJSAMS Discharge Substance Use
NJSAMS Drug Use Frequency
NJSAMS Drugs Used
NJSAMS Education Level
NJSAMS Employment Situation
NJSAMS Enrollment in School/Job Training
NJSAMS Discharge goal achievement
NJSAMS Client/Lab Response to Testing HIV
NJSAMS Client/Lab Response to Testing
NJSAMS Hepatitis Types
NJSAMS Inactive Clients

Stage in treatement where the client is no longer considered active

NJSAMS Insurance Types
NJSAMS Current Legal Status
NJSAMS Living Arrangement
NJSAMS Municipalities

The municipality where a client resides

NJSAMS Naloxone Administrator
NJSAMS reasons why client is not in School/Job Training
NJSAMS Prescription/Dispensation Medication
NJSAMS Reason For Discharge
NJSAMS Referral Sources
NJSAMS Drug Route of Administration
NJSAMS Frequency of attendance to self-help recovery groups
NJSAMS Self-Help Groups
NJSAMS Source Of Income
NJSAMS Target Populations
NJSAMS Client/Lab Response to Testing
NJSAMS Tobacco Treatment Agencies
NJSAMS Tobacco Products
NJSAMS Tobacco Use Treatments
NJSAMS Treatment Level of Care
NJSAMS Treatment Medications

The medications that a client might use in treatment

NJSAMS Treatment Not Completed

Terminology: Code Systems

These define new code systems used by systems conforming to this implementation guide

Continuing Care Type

Discharge Continuing Care Type

Current Legal Status

Current Legal Status

Discharge Self Help Groups

Self help Group at time of discharge

Delayed Treatment Reason

Reason to Wait for Treatment

Dependant/Supervised Living Arrangement

Client info if in Dependent/Supervised Living

Discharge Current Legal Status

Current Legal Status

Discharge Substance Use

Drug use at time of discharge

Drug Use Frequency

Frequency of drug use by client


Substances used by NJSAMS clients


Client Employment Status

Encounter Client Type

Type of client

Encounter Education Level

The education level of the client

Encounter Enrollment Status

Client enrollment in school or job training

Encounter Referral Source

Referral source list

Goal Acheivement

Discharge goal achievment

HIV Test Administration Status

Client/lab results for HIV

HIV Test Result

Client/lab results for HIV testing

Insurance Types

Insurance Types

Level of Care

Level of Care for treatment

Living Arrangement

Client living arrangement

Naloxone Administrator

Administrator of Naloxone to Client in last 30 Days

Non-Enrollment Reason

Reasons for not being enrolled in school or job training

Patient County

County where patient resides (primarily New Jersey counties)

Patient Current Status

Status of the admission/encounter for a patient

Patient Ethnicity

Ethnicity of the patient

Patient Gender

Administrative gender for the patient

Patient Language

Primary language for the patient

Patient Marital Status

Marital status for the patient

Patient Municipality

Municipality where client resides

Patient Race

Race of the patient

Patient State

Current residency of the patient

Prescription Dispensation Source

Entity Prescribing/Dispensing Medication

Reason for Discharge

Reason for Client Discharge

Self Help Attendance

Client attendance to self help groups

Self Help Groups

Self help Groups

Source of Income

Source of Income/Support

Target Populations

Target/Special populations receiving treatment

Testing Services Response

Client/lab results for Hepatitis and Tuberculin testing

Tobacco Cessation Agencies

Agencies that treat tobacco use

Tobacco Treatment Techniques

Treatment techniques/tools were effective for client

Treatment Not Completed

Discharge treatment not completed

Uncategorizable Codes

The following codes stand as catch-alls for undefined and no-value

Terminology: Concept Maps

These define transformations to convert between codes by systems conforming with this implementation guide


Example: Example Instances

These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like


Example Coverage


Example Active Encounter


Example for NJSAMS TX Program Name


Example Organization with Director


Example of a patient with detailed ethnicity


Example of a patient with other ethnicity


Example of Complete Payor


Example of Complete Payor


These are resources that are used within this implementation guide that do not fit into one of the other categories


Admission Questionnaire Response


Discharge Questionnaire Response