FHIR Implementation Guide for NJSAMS

0.1.0 - draft New Jersey

NJSAMS - Local Development build (v0.1.0). See the Directory of published versions

CodeSystem: Level of Care

Official URL: http://dhs.nj.gov/njsams/CodeSystem/LevelOfCare Version: 0.1.0
Active as of 2022-09-13 Computable Name: LevelOfCare

Level of Care for treatment

This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:

This code system http://dhs.nj.gov/njsams/CodeSystem/LevelOfCare defines the following codes:

1 Standard/Traditional Outpatient
2 Intensive Outpatient
3 Partial Hospitalization
4 Transitional Care/Extended Care
5 Halfway House
6 Long-Term Residential
7 Short-Term Residential (Medically Monitored)
8 Hospital-Based (acute) Residential
9 Detox-Free-Standing Residential (Sub-Acute)
10 Detox-Hospital Inpatient
11 Detox-Outpatient (Non-Methadone)
12 OPIOID Maintenance-Outpatient
13 Detox-Methadone Outpatient
14 Non-traditional program
15 OPIOID Maintenance - Intensive Outpatient
16 Level 0.5: Early Intervention
17 Interim Services
18 Co-Occurring Treatment Services
500 No Level Of Care Indicated